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Sustainability is Now Within Reach

Zum is shifting school transportation towards a green future.

Zum is shifting school transportation towards a green future.

Our Guiding Principle

Zum’s Sustainability Commitment

Enabled EVs
100% Vehicle-to-Grid enabled for providing grid resiliency
Zum is offsetting 100% of emissions for its entire fleet from 2021 onwards
Bi-directional charging feeds energy from our fleet back to the grid
How We Work

Doing it Right From the Get-Go

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Zum’s EV ecosystem and robust partner network makes your sustainability goals a reality.

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Fiscally Responsible
We work with each school district to develop a fiscally responsible transition plan and timeline tailored to meet their goals and needs.
Quality & Service First
School buses built 100% electric with the latest aeronautic grade materials for premium quality and safety standards.
Truly Sustainable
Committed to truly sustainable transportation leveraging clean renewable energy.
First 100% Electric School Bus Fleet in the United States

Oakland Unified School District EV Partnership

Zum is partnering with Oakland School District (OUSD) to bring more efficient routes, cleaner air, and 100% electrified buses beginning August 2024.

Learn more about Zum’s commitment to 100% electrified buses here.

Zum EV buses charging
Electric school buses
Bidirectional DC chargers
Metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions eliminated
Special needs students transported every day
Energy returned to the grid per year
Homes powered for 3 to 4 hours
Going Electric

A World-Class EV Ecosystem at Your Fingertips

Transitioning to EV’s is much more than just buying an electric bus. Let our expertise and EV tech partner network make your transition successful.

Positive Impact for Everyone

Electric Buses Mean More Than a Cleaner Ride

Progressive leaders at school districts nationwide understand and appreciate the benefits of electrifying their student transportation.

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Health Benefits
Reducing students’ exposure to diesel exhaust and harmful pollution significantly reduces students’ risk of asthma and other respiratory illnesses.
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Improved Student Experience
Your students will notice the difference when they experience their first ride on a new, quiet, and emissions free electric school bus.
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Community Benefits
Eliminate air and noise pollution to ensure clean and quiet rides for your students and community.
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Pollution and harmful emissions disproportionately impact low-income communities and communities of color.
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Job Creation
Leverage funding and training available to replace the most polluting buses, accelerate the transition to EV, and spur job creation.
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Cost Savings
Replacing diesel school buses with electric ones dramatically reduces ongoing maintenance and fuel costs and provides long-term savings to school districts, tax payers, and the community.
Zum bus parked in front for a school

Why Electric School Buses?

Electric school buses offer the only true zero emission solution for schools.

Range & Power
Electric buses now have range up to and exceeding 155 miles on a single charge, which is more than sufficient for the vast majority of daily school bus routes.
With fewer moving parts, maintenance costs are dramatically lower for new electric fleets versus diesel school buses.
EV charging technology and storage has improved rapidly, allowing buses to charge faster and hold a charge longer.
EV batteries are engineered with cold and hot weather in mind to counter the effects of extreme weather.
Ongoing benefits of EV, such as lower maintenance costs and savings from V2G, far exceed the upfront transition costs of switching from diesel to electric school buses.
Electric school bus OEMs and providers offer training for school bus drivers, maintenance technicians, and district leaders, making transition to EV simple and easy.
“Providing students with cleaner and quieter transportation on electric school buses will be a game changer ensuring they have an equitable and stronger chance of success in the classroom.”
Kim Raney

Executive Director of Procurement, Warehouse, & Transportation-Business Operations
Oakland Unified School District

Now is the Time for Change

There is No Looking Back

ridezum logo on SUV door with stats over photo

The next decade will be nothing like the past few decades. The time to begin the transition to EV’s is now.

ridezum logo on SUV door with stats over photo
Decreasing Cost
Growing demand is driving down costs for consumers and accelerating production.
Advancing Technology
Electric school buses, charging infrastructure, and EV technology is advancing rapidly.
Legislative Tailwinds
Spurred increased adoption of clean technology and fleet electrification.

A Strong Partner Network to Ensure Your Success

LionProterraDaimlerThomas Built BusesBMWAutoGridVolvoblinkLionProterraDaimlerThomas Built BusesBMWAutoGridVolvoblink

Ready to Get Started?