Zum Services, Inc. has a zero-tolerance policy for both drug and alcohol use while driving for Zum.
Any driver found to be violating this zero-tolerance policy will have their Zum account suspended till further investigation. Zum also has a zero-tolerance policy related to any physical contact with riders, or the use of a mobile device for talking, texting or using phone while driving for Zum with a passenger in their car.
To Register a Complaint in California
You can contact Zum at (855) 743-3986 or by emailing support@ridezum.com. You can also register a complaint through the California Public Utilities Commission at 1-800-894-9444 and CIU_intake@cpuc.ca.gov.
To Register a Complaint in Seattle
You can contact Seattle Customer Service Bureau at (206) 684-2489. You can also register a complaint through the Department of Finance and Administrative Services.